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After discovering you’re pregnant, getting an ultrasound is one of the most important next steps. This medical scan provides key details about your pregnancy, helping you make informed decisions and ensuring your health is protected.

At APRCC, we offer free limited obstetric ultrasounds because you deserve access to essential medical information without barriers.

Read on to learn how a first-trimester ultrasound works, why it matters, and what it can reveal about your pregnancy.

How Ultrasounds Work

A limited first-trimester ultrasound can be performed in two ways:

  • Transvaginal Ultrasound: Typically used in early pregnancy, this method involves placing a small transducer inside the vagina to capture clear images of your pregnancy.
  • Abdominal Ultrasound: Used later in the first trimester, this method involves moving a transducer over your abdomen to produce an image of the pregnancy.

Both methods are simple, non-invasive, painless, and provide critical information about your pregnancy’s progress.

Why Get An Ultrasound?

A limited obstetric ultrasound gives you the answers you need before making any pregnancy decisions, including:

  • Gestational Age – Knowing how far along you are is crucial. The abortion pill, for example, is only FDA-approved for pregnancies under 10 weeks, making an ultrasound the most reliable way to determine your eligibility for certain options.
  • Pregnancy Location – A pregnancy that implants outside the uterus, known as an ectopic pregnancy, is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention. An ultrasound can rule this out.
  • Pregnancy Viability – Studies show that about 26% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. If a miscarriage has occurred, medical follow-up may be necessary to prevent health hazards.

Please note that a limited ultrasound does not determine fetal abnormalities or reveal the baby’s gender.

Schedule Your Free Ultrasound Today

An ultrasound is an important step in understanding your pregnancy and making an informed decision about your next steps. It provides essential information about your health and pregnancy development so you can confidently move forward.

At APRCC, we offer free, limited obstetric ultrasounds in a confidential and safe environment. Get Support today by scheduling your appointment—we’re here for you as you navigate an unexpected pregnancy.

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