How you handle your unplanned pregnancy is one of the most difficult decisions you will make in life. No matter your choice, we want you to know we are here for you. If you are considering whether abortion or adoption is best, we can help you. Although we do not perform or refer for abortion or place children for adoption, we will give you the information you need to help you make a confident decision.
Is Abortion Easier?
The Mayo Clinic says it best, “Having a medical abortion is a major decision with emotional and psychological consequences. If you’re considering this procedure, make sure you understand what it entails, side effects, possible risks, complications and alternatives.”
A medical abortion (or medication abortion) refers to the abortion pill method. It uses two drugs to terminate a pregnancy.
The FDA has approved the drugs for the abortion pill method through 10 weeks of pregnancy only (70 days from the first day of your last menstrual period). The Mayo Clinic recommends not using the drugs past 9 weeks (56 days). North Carolina bans abortion after 12 weeks (84 days).
The drugs become less effective the farther along you are, which can lead to possibly an incomplete abortion. An incomplete abortion means parts of the pregnancy remain in your body, causing heavy bleeding or infection.
Studies show that, at least for some women, abortion can cause mental health issues. Grief, shame, a sense of loss, and regret are some of the emotions these women express. If you struggle with anxiety or depression before the abortion, you have a higher chance of having mental health problems after.
Why Does Adoption Seem Hard?
Placing a child for adoption is hard, and it should be. You decide to give your child a different life out of love for them. That should never be an easy decision.
Choosing an adoption agency or coordinator who values thorough adoption counseling is essential. You need to understand the adoption process completely and never feel coerced into making this choice.
If you select an open or semi-open adoption plan, you choose the potential adoptive couple for your child. Do you want them to be the oldest or have immediate siblings? Should they live on a farm or in the city? You direct your child’s future.
An open or semi-open plan also gives you the benefit of staying in contact with your child and their adoptive family. Between 60% and 70% of today’s adoptions are open or semi-open. When selecting the adoptive couple, they should want the same openness as you. Choose the perfect couple that matches your desires for your child.
How Do I Decide?
No one can decide for you or force you to make one decision over another. This choice is entirely up to you. Get as much information as you can about abortion procedures, side effects, and potential risks. Learn about the different adoption plans and only select a coordinator with your best interests at heart.
We can provide the necessary information to help you decide. Make a no-cost appointment online or call us at (252) 338-1655. At Albemarle, there is no judgment and no lectures. We’re here to support you.