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A medical abortion, commonly referred to as the “abortion pill,” involves the use of two drugs that work together to cause the uterine lining to shed to terminate a pregnancy.

If you’re unexpectedly pregnant and looking at your options, APRCC offers free pregnancy services that you can take advantage of, even before seeking an abortion. 

How Medical Abortion Works

A medical abortion uses two drugs: mifepristone and misoprostol. First, mifepristone is taken to block the hormone progesterone. Roughly 24-48 hours later, misoprostol is taken, which causes cramping and bleeding to empty the uterus. 

Medical abortion is FDA-approved through 10 weeks gestation (how far along you are). 

Aside from abdominal cramping and bleeding, there are other side effects you may experience, such as:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache

The Risks of Medical Abortion

While medical abortion only uses drugs to end a pregnancy, it’s still a serious medical procedure that comes with risks. These include:

  • Incomplete abortion, which may need to be followed by surgical abortion
  • An ongoing pregnancy if the procedure doesn’t work
  • Heavy and prolonged bleeding
  • Infection
  • Fever
  • Digestive system discomfort

Determining Eligibility

Medical abortion isn’t an option for you if you are:

  • Too far along in your pregnancy. You shouldn’t attempt a medical abortion if you’ve been pregnant for more than nine weeks (after the start of your last period). 
  • Have an intrauterine device (IUD) currently in place.
  • Have a suspected pregnancy outside of the uterus. This is called ectopic pregnancy and may require immediate medical attention.
  • Have certain medical conditions. These include bleeding disorders; certain heart or blood vessel diseases; severe liver, kidney or lung disease; or an uncontrolled seizure disorder.
  • Take a blood thinner or certain steroid medicines.
  • Can’t make follow-up visits to your provider or don’t have access to emergency care.
  • Have an allergy to the medicine used.

Free Pregnancy Services

Before seeking a medical abortion, visit APRCC. 

Our professional and compassionate team is here to provide free pregnancy services, such as pregnancy testing, limited obstetric ultrasounds, and STI testing. These are critical things you’ll want to do to confirm your pregnancy and get the key details you’ll need before exploring your options.

Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment.

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