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Taking a pregnancy test can be a stressful experience, especially if you receive conflicting results. A faint line on one test, a negative result on another—it’s enough to leave anyone feeling uncertain and frustrated. 

So, what should you do if your results are unclear?

Why Are My Tests Different?

The first step is to stay calm. Conflicting pregnancy test results can happen for several reasons. The most common cause is taking the test too early, before the pregnancy hormone (hCG) has reached a detectable level in your urine. Other factors, such as testing at different times of the day or using tests with varying sensitivity levels, can also lead to mixed results.

To get the clarity you need, consider pregnancy testing at a trusted clinic like APRCC. Our no-cost pregnancy testing ensures you receive reliable results in a supportive environment.

Confirming Pregnancy With an Ultrasound

If your test shows a positive result, the next step is to confirm and learn more about your pregnancy. An ultrasound provides essential details that at-home pregnancy tests cannot. At APRCC, we can provide an ultrasound to confirm key information about your pregnancy, including:

  • How far along you are: Knowing your gestational age is crucial for understanding your pregnancy timeline and exploring your options.
  • Pregnancy location: Ultrasounds ensure the pregnancy is developing in the uterus and not elsewhere, such as in the fallopian tube, which could indicate a life-threatening ectopic pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy viability: This determines whether the pregnancy is progressing as expected and you haven’t had a miscarriage. 

Our caring medical team is here to answer your questions and provide the support you need to make informed decisions about your next steps.

Make Your No-Cost Appointment Today

If you’re experiencing conflicting pregnancy test results, don’t rely on guesswork. Schedule a no-cost appointment at APRCC today. Our experienced and compassionate medical team is dedicated to providing you with the clarity and care you deserve in a safe and confidential environment. 

Let us help you take the next steps with confidence. Contact us.

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