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If you’ve received a positive pregnancy test, following up with an ultrasound is a crucial next step. While a pregnancy test can confirm the presence of hCG, the hormone associated with pregnancy, it doesn’t provide the whole picture. An ultrasound offers key information about the health and status of your pregnancy, helping you make informed decisions about your next steps.

At APRCC, we offer free, limited obstetric ultrasounds in a supportive and confidential environment. Reach out to us to schedule an appointment. 

Keep reading to discover more about why ultrasound matters.

Understanding Your Gestational Age

Knowing how far along you are or the gestational age of your pregnancy is essential regardless of the options you are considering. 

For those exploring abortion, gestational age determines what procedures are available. If you’re thinking about parenting or adoption, understanding how far along you are helps with planning and prenatal care.

Ensuring the Pregnancy is Safely Located

An ultrasound can confirm that the pregnancy is developing in the uterus. If the fertilized egg has implanted outside the uterus, often in a fallopian tube, it is considered an ectopic pregnancy

This condition cannot progress normally and may lead to serious health complications if not addressed promptly. Detecting an ectopic pregnancy early allows for immediate medical attention, safeguarding your health and future fertility.

Verifying You Haven’t Miscarried 

A positive pregnancy test detects hCG, but it doesn’t confirm that the pregnancy is progressing. 26% of pregnancies result in miscarriage. So, in some cases, hCG levels remain elevated even after a miscarriage. 

An ultrasound can determine if the pregnancy is viable (progressing) by detecting the presence of a developing embryo and a heartbeat. If a miscarriage has occurred, medical follow-up may be necessary to prevent damage.

Where Can I Get an Ultrasound?

The information gained from an ultrasound—gestational age, location, and progression—provides a clearer understanding of your pregnancy and helps you make decisions. At APRCC, we offer comprehensive pregnancy services so you can receive the care you deserve.

Contact us to schedule your free limited obstetric ultrasound today. Our team is ready to provide you with the information and support you need in a safe, nonjudgmental environment. All our services are completely confidential.

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